Toast cannibale, crème raifort, caviar fumé

Veal meatballs with abbey bear

In cooking as in music, all is a question of accord. Tempo “Bar où manger”, behind the Philharmonie, and its Chef Morris Clip propose you a restaurant menu which does not impose anything, whether it’s in the bar or restaurant room. You can sip a glass by pecking at 1 or 2 snacks, starters, suggestions in small portions and/or a selection of dishes.
Breakfast and lunch are also proposed on weekdays.
All this in a spirit of simplicity, sharing, conviviality and quality as well as in a modern and warm atmosphere.






Friendliness come first at TEMPO.
We come there to have a good time and meet up with friends.
The concept center on sharing dishes and conviviality.
TEMPO is characterized by a modern, seasonal and improvised cooking.
I work on the products offered by my suppliers.

The restaurant menu is composed of daily suggestions and “signatures” dishes such as :
meatballs with abbey beer. I define it both as static and dynamic. My will is to create
unique moments and emotions around my kitchen.

3 years already

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happening directly through
our newsletter.


Monday to Friday:
12 p.m to 3 p.m
Monday to Wednesday:
7 p.m to 1 a.m
(our cuisine is open from 7 p.m to 10 p.m)
Thursday to Saturday:
7 p.m to 1 a.m
(our cuisine is open from 7 p.m to 10:30 p.m)

The restaurant is part of the Philharmonie building,
entrance on the forecourt at the back.
Access indicated via the parking “Place de l’Europe
or via the parking “Trois Glands”.




L'inévitable Dame Blanche qui se démarque de la L'inévitable Dame Blanche qui se démarque de la carte des desserts 😋 Une prestance chocolatée, une coupe de tendresse illimitée. #tempo #tempobaroumanger #tempoluxembourg #philharmonie #restaurant #luxembourgcity #dameblanche #dessert
TEMPO c'est aussi un bar qui vous accueille pour u TEMPO c'est aussi un bar qui vous accueille pour un verre en fin de repas ou pour célébrer une belle journée.#tempo #tempobaroumanger #tempoluxembourg #philharmonie #barrestaurant#luxembourgcity #barluxembourg
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Hésiter devant la carte de nos desserts, c'est no Hésiter devant la carte de nos desserts, c'est normal, encore plus quand il y a ce moelleux choco Carambar, banane, passion et cacahuètes inscrit dessus 👀#tempo #tempobaroumanger #moelleuxchoco #chocolat #moelleuxchocolat #carambar #dessert #inspiration #restaurantofluxembourg
Pour rappel, nous sommes ouverts du lundi au vendr Pour rappel, nous sommes ouverts du lundi au vendredi, les midis et les soirs. Le samedi, nous sommes ouverts en soirée.Bon dimanche et... à demain ? 😀#tempobaroumanger #temporestaurant #luxembourgville #interiordesign #decorationinterieure #deco #architecture #cosy #marble #design #restaurantdiscovery #happySunday